It's Flower Friday!

A busy day for us: firstly a visit to the recycle centre then the charity shop, this afternoon my physio appointment and this evening dinner with our friends A and B.
Despite the fact that we have to now book to go to the recycle centre, we were held up for quite sometime  by official lorries so that when we went in it was busy - the previous appointments our appointments and the ones after!
This afternoon I was signed off by my physio as I've made good enough progress but I'm interested in the Pilates classes held at the hospital and I will be phoned on Monday to discuss them.
For dinner this evening we chose an Indian restaurant for a change and A and I both enjoyed spicy trout for our main course.  This is the only Indian restaurant locally to serve trout so we often choose it.
A gave me last Christmas the beautiful amaryllis which features for Flower Friday.  It bloomed last year and I wasn't sure that it would this year but a few weeks ago I noticed that it had grown a very long stem and here we are!

In other news: today was the funeral of Alex Navalny.  I'm sure that nearly everyone know who this brave and extraordinary man was but there are links in my link for those who want to know more.

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