March 2nd 2024

This is the March page of my lovely calendar which the Stromness Selkies sent me at the end of last year. In 8 weeks I will be there on the slip with them, Inshallah!

I had expected when I opened the blinds today to see the snow that has been threatened for so long but it was a sunny morning, although I did actually spot some white stuff lying along the foot of a wall so I imagine there had been a shower of sleet at some point. 
I had arranged a breakfast coffee with two daughters- #1 and #3 in John Lewis. The situation I chose, apart from the city views, was for the purely selfish reason of there being several mobile phone shops in the St James Quarter and I wanted to suss out a sim only contract for my phone that was less than the £20 being asked for by O2. While the daughters abstemiously sipped coffees I went the whole hog (pardon the pun) and munched my way through a bacon roll wondering as I did so why I had been so greedy. It was a bit excessive , maybe a nervous reaction in the anticipation of changing contracts.
In the event it was all so easy. The assistant did the whole change over and so now instead of paying a new monthly direct debit to O2 of £20 I have one with company 3 of £7 for slightly more GBs . If anyone has any beef about 3 as a provider please don’t tell me at this point.
I’m beginning to be a bit more savvy and confrontational about my direct debits to companies I’ve been with for ages and who are charging increasingly ridiculous prices.

After achieving that little victory with #3 daughter holding my hand figuritively, I bowled home in a bus via Lidl for a couple of purchases. You see I have the bit between my teeth when I chose Lidl, a 10 minute walk from home, rather than the overpriced Sainsbury’s 100yds from the Dower House.
I think I might celebrate with a small glass of the Orange Liqueur gifted by my North Berwick friend.

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