Number six

Taken this morning so this is the sixth species. I will try and keep going but as my knowledge of the birds is limited it might come to an end very soon.

Nice and wet again with lots of surface water. 

A victory at bowls yesterday and on the way home the temperature suddenly dropped and there was a downpour of hail.

Cardiff lost last night in a penalty shoot out. Very ill tempered game with the refs missing a number of cheap shots from both teams They play again tonight in Nottingham which is an arena with a curse on them. Will watch the match tomorrow morning when Mrs C is out with the girls.

Have just finished “How they Broke Britain” by James O’Brien.  Have a ticket for his talk at the Stratford Literary Festival in May. The book covered  ten well known characters including Rupert Murdoch, Nigel Farage, David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn and the star Boris Johnson. Mrs C is pleased as I kept reading paragraphs to her when yet another fact/event came to light. My next read is about the Post Office. Mrs C purchased a copy of Andy Burnham’s book so definitely a Conspiracy Book list. 

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