So I'll tell you something

Wow, even a couple of drinks of an evening is not agreeing with me these days. 

Must be a sure sign of Age. 

I pleaded frozen bones this morning, and avoided the Allotment.  Himself went up and finished off my bed. Thank you, sweetness. 

me?  I stayed in warm, and decided to color my roots ( I remember now why I went grey)     I applied the mixture, without spilling it all over the floor.   Left it for the required fifteen minutes, and almost howled after 10 minutes in the shower, left me with beautifully glossy hair, but with shiny grey roots. 

I had another bag, so mixed it up again and applied it again. 

Left it for 15 minutes.  (it was a darker one, and I could see it darkening),   Rinsed it off again in the shower.  and Examined it closely. 


Yes, Beautiful silky brown locks, but Orange roots. 

I could have cried. 

I called the hairdresser and told her I could live with it for a week - but I'd need it repaired sooner rather than later. 

Then himself came home and we had some tea.  And then he went for a shower, whilst I (Oh I also Karchered the Bathroom to clear my mess up from last week) .... planted all my seeds.  (well I say all my seeds.  this is my second/ third batch.  

Then we went shopping and Now I am feigning paralysis on the sofa. so that he looks after me and feeds me. 

And loves me.

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