Reflections and Swirls Along Bald Eagle Creek

In which I brave untoward perils, such as stabby trellises and slippery mud, and live to tell the tale!

My husband and I had a full list of errands, to be accomplished on a sunny day before the rains came again. They included snacks, and shopping, and even an hour or so spent at Soaring Eagle Wetland, along Bald Eagle Creek.

We were glad, later, that we took the time to stop and walk and sit around noon, while it was nice and the sun itself was actually out. For it clouded up some as the afternoon wore on.

I won't list our errands except to gloat over the fact that on March 1, the start of meteorological spring, I did some springy things. We stopped at Ocean State Job Lot and I bought a trellis and some colorful twisty plant supports. I also bought heavenly blue morning glory seeds.

The price was right, but the trellis was almost too tall to fit in the car. You should have seen us trying to stuff that sucker in. I tried first, as my husband looked on and criticized. Then I gave up and went back and returned our cart; by the time I was back to the car, he had managed to fit it in.

At least, it wasn't a BICYCLE, in a big fat BOX, which we have also done. It took a half-hour of cutting that box with a big knife, with some blood spilled to appease the gods that don't WANT bicycles inside cars, but rather OUTSIDE where they belong.

Anyway, as we drove home, I rode with one hand clutching onto that trellis so it wouldn't go all Ninja-Final-Destination on me. You know, the part where the car stops suddenly, and some hitherto unlikely horrifying event takes place, like getting stabbed in the heart by a trellis too big for your car. But I am happy to report that all is well. The trellis behaved itself, and I lived to tell the tale!

But wait. I digress! Meanwhile, back at the wetland. . . . Anyway, the visit to the wetland included me walking around with camera, and nearly doing a loop-de-loop in the slick mud along the creek. One minute, you are walking, the next minute you are accidentally dancing, and contemplating the ground, and how it will feel when you hit.

But I was fortunate. I righted myself and did not actually go down. It was a hair-raising minute, though! I was more careful after that, as one is, until one becomes complacent again.

The report from creekside is that the water is running high and muddy, and not so great for reflections. This, above, is a little side tributary that runs into Bald Eagle Creek. There's nothing special about it except those little reflections and swirls beneath that log. 

So here is a posting about a fish-tale, perhaps the one that sort of got away. If I'd have noticed the reflections and swirls when I was there, we'd be looking at a much bigger, zoomed shot of them. But here WE are, and here I am, enjoying the shot I ended up with, but still, sitting in the wishing chair!

My soundtrack song is from the 10,000 Maniacs classic album, The Wishing Chair. Here's a personal favorite: Just as the Tide was a-Flowing. That album was released in September 1985, and I spent my entire senior year at Penn State (1985-86), walking around listening to it obsessively on my cassette player, as I wrapped things up that needed to be wrapped up to get that degree, and feeling quite happy indeed!

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