Northern Night Orienteering Championships

A short journey to the edge of York this evening for the last night event of the season. Great facilities at the Golf club. I don’t usually have the luxury of indoor toilets, a warm seat next to the fire, hot food and a selection of cakes and drinks. Just as well as the woods were largely submerged in water. The network of ditches so full they had spilt onto the tracks. Got drenched as one young man ran straight down the middle of one submerged track. I navigated better in the woods than on the golf course where I made mistakes drifting off line on two controls. Managed to face plant towards the finish so needed a quick face wash before downloading. Always relieved to make it round having found all the controls. Quite pleased with my first season of night Orienteering.

Lovely to sit and chat after the event rather than jump in the car and head for home.

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