Bodnant Blossoms

A day of two halves, the morning gives a chance of a walk in Bodnant before the weather changes to an afternoon of rain. 

Last week I focused just on individual shrubs and blooms, so today I thought I’d take some landscapes. The pink magnolias are even more magnificent today, and the white star magnolias are now coming into their own. It will be another week before the daffodil meadows are in full flower, but there’s still a wonderful show from other spring blossoms. 

At home, it’s a return to battling with the lounge, and I’m pleased to say the second sofa is much more compliant. Despite the effort needed, I’m really glad we have the covers as it means our room  feels so very different with the change - it’s almost like having a completely new set of furniture. I’ve included an extra of ‘before’ and ‘after’ to illustrate - burgundy’s supposed to be our winter colour, the gold our spring and summer. 

Today’s main’s a view across one of the terraces, with an extra of some of the flowers taken today. 

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