Books, books and more books!

A sunny morning - it really feels as if spring's on the way!  Spent most of the morning indoors, sorting books and writing my monthly plant blog for the Scotland's Gardens Scheme website.

As it's the 3rd of the month it's the Book Festival at the Victory Hall in Benderloch -  . Rather a grandiose title maybe - I spent a couple of hours there and probably only a dozen or so folk turned up. I took a box of mostly Great-aunt Emily's books and managed to come home with just two - a fair swap I think! More to take next month.

The local Oxfam shop is taking books again, in moderation, so a few will be going there soon. I was also surprised to discover that the local library will also take books if they like the look of them, so I have a few to go there too.

One of the books I brought home was called 'The Funniest Thing You Never Said', so unfortunately Blippers I'm going to do as I did before and put on a - 

'Quote of the Day' - "People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading". Logan Pearsall Smith.

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