Den making

This morning I took I to "Woodland dens and a campfire" organised by Shropshire Wildlife Trust in Llanymynech Woods.

It was well attended on a lovely frosty morning.  I immediately found a friend and they enjoyed each other's company for the whole event.

First we all squelched our way through pathways of mud and muddy water to get to the woods.  The children (with help from the adults) made shelters from the fallen branches.  My blip is of the girls sitting in theirs.

Afterwards they were shown how to make a spark with steel fire strikers, they built a fire then toasted marshmallows and damper bread  on sticks.  Warm Ribena was served with the water heated on a kelly kettle.

It was a great morning out that everyone enjoyed, well done to the Wildlife Trust.

When I dropped I off at home, C invited me for lunch which was very nice.  O is working in Texas at the moment so it was just them and baby E.

A lovely day.  

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