Happy Birthday Mrs Ottawacker

A reasonably mild day, which is good and-of course-bad, but I’ll take it. As Mrs Ottawacker is celebrating her birthday today, it only seemed fair for me to step in and take one for the team. This I especially like doing when I am doing something I enjoy doing in any case: in this case, taking Ottawacker Jr to his football. It meant missing the Nottingham Forest vs Liverpool game, mind you…

Ottawacker Jr’s team has been doing well, and a comfortable 4-1 win meant they ended up champions of their league. He played first half in goal – and did very well, making one exceptional save (milliseconds before the camera on my antique phone clicked) – and was a defender in the second half. Pace (or lack of it) might be an issue going forward; he has his father’s genes.

On the way back, we stopped (at Ottawacker Jr’s insistence) to buy some birthday flowers for his mum. He also insisted on paying for them, which was very impressive, at least, until he revealed he had no money with him.

Anyway, home and I managed to bag the second half of the game while Mrs Ottawacker took the boy for a haircut. Then in the afternoon, I prepared the Big Feast: this, as per Mrs Ottawacker’s request and in reverse order of serving, was a gluten free chocolate cake with whipped cream, gratin dauphinois (plus an extra one Ottawacker Jr who doesn’t like the cheese – sort of a gratin without gratin), baked vegetables and steak, and something else I’ve already forgotten.

Oh well, the diet can wait. Especially as the chocolate cake was a huge success. Somehow, the inside remained runny but fluffed up nicely; I have no idea what I did, so I accepted the kudos and made my way knowingly to the kitchen to start the clear up.

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