Momentous Morning!

As he was brushing his teeth this morning, Nate's tooth fell out! It's his first, so very exciting! We were at the ES Church, so he took the tooth with him to show people. I was asked to feed back on the 24 hours of prayer, and Danny was talking about prison and then preaching.
Someone we don't know came to seek us out as he's probably going to prison and wants to talk to Danny. Hopefully D can be a support to him.
Home and we began moving everyone into their own bedrooms, woohoo! It was odd to have our siesta in our own bed!!!
Asha's currently on the ferry from Valencia, they doc at 2,15am!!!! Eeeekkkk! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny doing a good job at the ES Church, and the brilliant 'coincidence' of that guy being there. 
2) Finding a loved and lost piece of jewellery - for my 40th Caña Club commissioned a jeweller to make me a beautiful ring. I lost it at Christmas as it came off... Today it fell out of a shirt I've not worn since then!!
3) Asha being on her way back, really looking forward to seeing her! 

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