
Curious to see if there were any liverwort sporangia popping up I went to my usual spot at Aira and thought I was too early but once I got my eye in I spotted these just emerging. The snow looked stunning on the high fells. 
It was hideously busy at Aira so I blipped and ran.
Went over to craggy’s to scrub his front path with Algon. I nearly came a cropper yesterday and didn’t fancy him going over with his dodgy back so, Schwarzenegger style, I said I’d be back.
I went on to get seed potatoes and compost before going to see Vanya … wow … I mean … wow! I don’t entirely agree with the Guardian review, I was doing my best not to sob too obviously at the end … and I think the Guardian reviewer missed the pregnancy of the remarkable use of silences and expression…

p.s. on an entirely separate matter, I remember reading a blip ages ago about direct support for youngsters leaving the care system but have absolutely no idea now who it was or what the charity was. I don’t suppose anyone reading this knows? I’ve looked into ‘Become’ and the Care Leavers Association but wondered if there was anything else … and wish I’d made a proper note of the blip I read in the first place.

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