Garden and lazy Sunday

Photo of the heather in our drive garden. There are many things almost ready to flower - one of the azaleas is opening its flower buds, the cherry in our front garden has colour on the buds, many other plants have flower buds and leaf buds. I love this time of year for how things come to life.
Not done much today. Filled the bird feeders up and had a look around the garden (but didn't do any gardening). Did a little light housework but mainly just kitchen worktops and a mini clean in the downstairs loo. Was going to hoover downstairs but Terry said to leave it as it's not that bad and I decided he was right. 
Despite doing little, I felt shattered this afternoon and had to go and lie on the bed for an hour! Felt a bit like a zombie when I woke but once I came to more I felt the benefit. Getting old!

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