We moved back home today after 10 days staying with family whilst the internal walls were knocked through and we waited for the windows. A&K were so kind to let us stay in their lovely home. 

This is our make shift kitchen. We're making the best we can of it. It's very cold as the window guy missed the side door off the order so we just have a sheet of plywood over the door opening and we don't have any heating yet.  We've got the old sink plumbed in, in the utility but it's cold water only and no light in there so not ideal! We have a lot of dusty washing up to do. 

The front 'snug' is useable for the dining table but no space for the sofa but it's fine. We'll just go to bed early! I spent the day trying to tackle the dust. Toby got everything out of his room, cleaned it all and put it all back. Eva spent most of the day in tears bless her, saying she wants to go home. But we've got her room straight now and she's cheered up.

Mike spent the day trying to get the bathroom sorted. We didn't intend to do the bathroom yet as although we don't like it, it was useable. However we didn't realise how badly the bath was leaking- and the last thing we want to do is re plaster downstairs with a leaking bath. On taking the bath out, Mike discovered rotting floor boards and leaky pipes. We've had showers at a friend's tonight and hopefully Mike can get on with a bit of tiling in the evenings and get it sorted soon. We've not had any time to think about tiles so just gone for plain white ones just to get it done. I didn't want to have to make snap decisions about things but here we are. 

We just have to tell ourselves this is short term pain for long term gain. And I think this is the absolute worst it will be. Trying not to think about the fact I've not been to see mum in two weeks and that the horses haven't even been out of their field this weekend. 

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