A memory

My mother passed away 12 years ago, so today isn't actually her 107th birthday.  But I want to celebrate her on this day.  

While I was growing up, we didn't understand each other and didn't get along much of the time.  I was glad to see her only rarely for many years.  Once she and my father moved out here in 1999, things changed and after his death we grew to be friends.  We were able to talk with understanding and compassion for each other and enjoy each other's company.  We had dinner together on holidays and New Year's Eve.  I took her out to see more of the Seattle area; she particularly enjoyed sitting by the Edmonds waterfront watching the ferries.  I've really missed her since she died and think of her often with love.  I would never have expected that earlier in our lives.

I don't have any really good photographs of my mother, but I like this one of her with baby Manda in their Florida apartment.  She loved the girls.

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