Channelling Granny

In 1969 we set off for a family camping holiday in Germany, Austria and France.  4 weeks,  parents, J (14), me (16) and my grandmother, home on holiday from Australia.  3 adults and 2 semi adults in a Hillman Minx (the car (learned to drive on) with minimal luggage and, my grandmother's suitcase.  She was 8 years younger than I am now but seemed much older.  She made jam, in a campsite in the Salzkammergut!  Couldn't bear to see the fruit going to waste. This weekend I am channelling Granny as I go camping (first time for 20? years) with the Sims.

It was a slow morning.  A timetable had been sent and after breakfast and a tidy up I arrived to spend quite a lot of time sitting and keeping out of the way.  We left about an hour late but we were going far, only to Rawang, about 45 minutes north.  We haven't had 4 o'clock rain for a while but of course we did today, though not till after 5 and that time #1 son has both tents up.  It was agreed I'd have the single one.  

I explored the site with the girls while the camp was set up.  Quite and odd place but I liked it, though WH wasn't too keen.  We had lots of rain and then continued thunder and lightning and no rain.  There was a bit of a falling out over a cooker but all was well and eventually we sat outside the main tent toll neatly midnight, reminiscing and drinking beer. 

And there are monkeys!

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