Three at Work

I have had a not so good day. At the funeral two retired nurses asked about my knee and I told them about the soreness of the calf muscle and all the bruising at the back of the leg and they told me I should have it checked out! The doctor wasn't too sure so sent me for a scan just to make sure I didn't have a blood clot. All they found was a Bakers cyst had burst and was running into the leg. But what the doctor did noticed was my leg was getting a bit red so thought I may have cellulitis.

By the time I had the scan the doctors was closed so had to go to the after hours surgery. By then my leg had got redder so they were worried about the Cellulitis.. so they marked my leg and have to go back tomorrow, I am on antibiotics.

I did manage to take this shot of a building about to go up and here is a shot of the building that was there.

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