Carmona - Day trip from Seville

Was awake early , not sure why I wrote this as it’s the normal for me! Got myself organised, bag packed and a banana for first breakfast.

I suppose I could have got the tram to the San Bernardo bus station which was a 40 min walk, but it was a pretty walk. Along the side of the river, over the bridge and along part of the historic centre, passed the widely expensive Alfonso Hotel, the old University and skirting the Plaza de Espanya. The service bus to Carmona left at 10, it was 9:30 so I popped along the road to a Cafe and sat outside with a coffee and toasted baguette with jam.

Got front seat on the bus which cost the grand sum of €2.90 single. Took 40 mins and it’s the road to Cordova. At the moment the countryside is very green, that will change when the summer heat starts. Mid day temps for me have been high teens to 20 and that is perfect walking weather.

Arrived in Carmona and it struck me right away how pretty it was and again, like Seville, so clean and real absence of litter and chewing gum stuck to pavements.

I found a lovely little Cafe with helpful and friendly owners and sat outside with my cappuccino and warm pastry and jam.

Second breakfast finished headed to the tourist information situated at the ancient Gate of Seville to get a map of Carmona to explore the old town. Quite a lot to see for a small town. First was the City Hall where you could go in to see the perfectly preserved mosaic featuring Medusa from the 2nd Century. You weren’t allowed to walk in it but I went upstairs and viewed it from above and found it amazing to see, unearthed when it was being renovated to become the town Hall from a convent. A pic of it in Extras.

Next up was a church, which had a beautiful shaded courtyard. Next on my wander’s was the Convent of the Poor Claire’s which have rooms that you can stay in and a stunning courtyard. The views from the top were again fabulous. Had a seat at Plaza Fernando and enjoyed the quietness . Walked through immaculate little streets, headed to the Gate of Cordoba. Fabulous views from there to the land beyond. I can see why it was chosen to be built here as you could see for miles and miles in all directions.

I was needing the loo so wandered towards the old four star hotel nearby , first having a nosy around the ground floor. Very nice, quite opulent in an old style way. Also had a nice pool area shady with trees .

Hungry now I made my way to find someplace to eat. Outside of course. The place I chose didn’t have an English menu so I picked something which was the Spanish version of Irish stew. Very tasty gravy, nice soft bread and nice view. Perfect.

Next up was a visit to the top of the Seville Gate/tower/ramparts. What a fabulous view again over Carmona this time.

Planned to get the 1540 bus back to Seville which again got the front seat for the views. Dropped off at a nearer stop than the one I got this morning..

Walked back to the hotel and had a freshen up, a cuppa and then out for golden hour and sunset from the bridge. I wasn’t hungry for a meal so just had some crisps but had a good wander and again shattered so was sleeping by 9:30!

25k step count today….

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