Place: Largo, FL 65/82
Main activity: Mon - DMV
Notes: Up early. Cool, gray and looking like rain. Did qigong and yoga and then made coffee. Just after 8a, called FDOT about a toll invoice I got for some plate that's not mine. They said it was on a trailer and advised me to go to DMV ... uggh. I decided to get it done - lots of people, waited awhile and finally got the surrender notice for the plate (canceled the reg 4 or 5 yrs ago and plate was last in CO??). Also, got my e-title for the truck printed so that was helpful. Still gray and drizzly as I drove back, gave a call to Largo PD to report the stolen plate. [Forgot to mention it for Fri or Sat, but switched out the winter comforter for the lighter one - was not happy about that!] Cool then and had a sweater on inside. The Police did call me back and said what I did at the DMV should resolve it ... Sun came out then so decided to go to the pool after doing an activation, was blazing hot and got in once to cool off. Shower when I got back and then re-did the meditation from yesterday (Lorie Ladd's). Was almost 3p when I finished so warmed up the steamed broccoli, had some sauerkraut w/ avo & pumpkin seeds, and finished w/ fruit, granola and coco whipped cream. Heard from Jana about going to Carlene's meetup and I'd already been considering it so decided to go. Drove down, was a little smaller group this time and most of it good until near the end when someone mentioned Trump and seeing the full-on cognitive dissonance and no research done to see the truth - really threw me for a loop. Got back a few min before 9p, rinsed off and watched a bit of Netflix until 11p, started the distiller and went to bed, tired but not sure I could sleep. What a long and varied day ...

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