Sphere or Ovoid

I awoke to a very frosty morning (see extra), though it didn’t last very long…it’s been a beautiful sunny day since.

I did an online zoom class first thing…having managed to get the right link today. This was followed by 5 minutes of hoola hooping before I headed out to my usual Zumba class and walk along the prom. I tried reversing the way I rotate the hoola hoop after the Zumba class, to much hilarity…I couldn’t get my head around the change of direction much less my body and the hoop! It’s going to require practise!

A quiet afternoon…had a shower and changed as I’ve a meeting tonight, then L arrived to pick up some trousers I’d ordered for her. An early tea before I go out.

My blip was found the the prom railings. Thanks to stujphoto for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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