Looking Down

Rather annoyingly, we had to return a recent purchase to the shop, after finding that the box contained not just the wrong size but also the wrong style of top. Although we could obtain the correct item in town or an out-of-town centre, neither appealed and we settled for a refund.

Thus finding ourselves out and about on such a nice day we headed for coffee at the Storehouse in Penicuik, where a scone can set you up for several hours. Within view of the carpark is the work going on at the old St Kentigern's Church, currently covered with scaffolding with three workers, who are all looking down - but at what? Sadly, the hedge obscures that detail. 

Mr Flum's poorly back is improving but he was unwilling to set out for a walk so we drove to Peebles, he dropped me in town to browse the charity shops then to join him in the car park. I did take photos of the Tweed with daffodils flowering on the bank but they are not particularly successful; however, should anyone else consider doing so, I warn them to take care where they put their feet, as it appears that dogwalkers do not feel the need to pick up after their pet outwith the mown grass area and the bank is obviously a popular toileting place.

We returned home the pretty way, via the Meldons and Lamancha, for a very welcome cuppa.

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