White Crocuses Fading

A bright morning but still cold. The beautiful, blousey white crocuses on the front lawn had their last fling today opening up their hearts to the sun. Look closer and you will see the petals are wiltingly transparent in places, a sure sign that they are fading. At least they experienced sunshine today.

A blood test just after 11 am. I was right on time although a small car parked very inconsiderately on the pavement of Leicester Road threatened to hold me up. I realise that I probably shouldn't do it, but I took a photo and published it on a Facebook Shepshed page. If the driver's not local they won't see it, more's the pity. Readers were not impressed with the parking.

Thereafter we drove to Finkins, where I chastised a couple in a black SUV for parking in a disabled space. You could tell they hadn't bothered to look.

To Finkins for egg and bacon toasted sarnie and a latte, and a sausage for Basil while Len nipped off to the Post Office to post my books. It's done. I can hardly believe it.

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