To be or not to be a busy bee?
I chose not to be a busy bee and instead had a slow moving peaceful day . I can’t shake off the latest cold virus which is frustrating but the gift of sunshine made all things bright and beautiful. The bee sighting is the first of the season, I was pleased that the celandine had survived the brutal attack from the guys who had been commissioned to eradicate the plants growing on the roadside near our house . The land belongs to a company that run a psychiatric rehabilitation centre nearby and their way of maintaining it is through periodic extermination. Over the years ourselves and some of the neighbours have planted flowers and keep it in check. It’s upsetting to see the plants we have tended being cut down . In my extra you will see some tiny blue flowers that also survived .
The two main events in the day were planting some autumn fruiting raspberries and then taking some time to read some more of The Wild Silence by Raynor Winn . It’s very moving and I become lost in the story as it unravels . The section I’m reading started with a quote from John Muir which I really like ..
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe .”
It tied in well with some things I had been pondering upon earlier in the day.
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