Two sleepy bunnies
This looks like being a slightly calmer work-week (let’s see if I agree with that by the weekend). I have about ten ‘proactive’ items on my list, so things that don’t need to be done now-now-now but will make things better/easier/more compliant for me or a client, and today I got 50% through one of them. Of course even just that 50% resulted in a list of other jobs that need to be done as a result.
Glorious sunny morning and the garden is full of bulbs, blossom and bursting buds. Spring always leads to optimism, surely?
Mr B is in Canada, and has somehow committed to going the gym today with his (young) firefighter cousin - good luck to him!
One of my projects to keep me busy in this great gap of time that Mr B is away is sorting out the cookbooks which have over the years expanded to fill two bookshelves in the kitchen. So the plan is to relocate about half to a satellite cookbook shelf upstairs. Of course the decisions in separating the sheep from the goats necessitate a lot of rereading of cookbooks, and have resulted in a long list of recipes I HAVE to try. As ever; proactive jobs make work…
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