hard pleasures

By aonon56

Two Pyjama Self Portraits (EV+2; EV-2.4)

If I would start all over again I would go into consumer/retail sector. Key is to establish cult like brand which more people love than hate (or more importantly those who love have more disposable income ) and you have recipe for minting money. Take Apple, they churn their products once or twice a year (and they are mostly upgrades ) but we still flock into their stores buying umpteen charger or phone cover. Or closer to home Leica their product list is even smaller and real stuff (M) you cant' get hold on, but I regularly still go there and buy things I don't really need. So yesterday after breakfast with B. while walking to my car I realised that I was few minutes away from Leica Mayfair store and decided to go in and ask for M (knowing that they don't have it and even if the have it that I wouldn't buy it). They didn't have M but I end up buying half case which I have despised previously as amateurish thing (who is talking?), but the salesman managed to convince me in its merits (which was not that difficult because I had to buy, as I am a member of Leica cult). On my way to the till a saw £15 book which I have grabbed not thinking what it was. Only later I realized that I have bought book Leica Myself with 99 self portraits all made with various Leica's, all originally published on internet social sites and all save 1% (and I am being generous ) rubbish. I think there should be a rule : Unless you are Lee Friedlander take as many self-portraits with camera as you wish but don't publish them. Now I understand the urge, we are behind the camera and not on the pictures, and in human nature is to look for oneself when looking at the photos. Whenever we show to family and friends photos where they are in, in 99.99% cases they will straight look at their images to check if their eyes are droopy or nose is really going to the left. They don't care about composition, light and you can make best photograph ever but you will not be complimented if eyes are too droopy. So we end up empty handed without compliment and without us in the photo so we turn to only medicine possible which self -portrait with camera.
Rules even if they are self imposed are there to be broken. So far I have made quite a few self-portraits on the blip but they were always by product or reflection of what was real object of the photograph (I'm bit dishonest here as there was always intention to capture myself as well the main object). This morning I followed the path of 99 photographers from Leica book but sans Leica. I used Ricoh GR which is really great little camera that I carry everywhere bathroom included. I tried not to reveal to much, not because I wanted to keep some mystery but more because, that my shape, age and (lack of ) hair would shock me . As my dear mother used to say I think and feel I'm 44 until I see my self in the mirror.

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