
By cracker

On the farm!

This morning I looked after my two kids plus Shelly's two while Shell fed the calves. She came back then took Ella to her Nan's house and I looked after mine and Ryan while Shell went to work for a while.

Ryan slept for most of the morning and Spence and Joti played outside while I hung the washing out. They were excited about Eddy the dog ( who Spence decided to call Woofster!!) until he came too close!

Joti then found the only puddle around and loved stomping in that! She fell over in it a couple of times and was filthy!

She also managed to grab on to the electric fence before I could get to her which she wasn't too happy about! It zapped her but she didn't cry for very long!!

Shell came home and I left my kids with her while I went out to mum and dads and did more cleaning before mum came home this afternoon.

The kids and I drove to Officer to have a sleepover at Chris and Leona and their kids house. Spencer and Callum went crazy when they saw each other and gave only just gone to sleep at 9pm!

Shelly called mum and she seemed very happy to be at home. Her and dad were cooking tea together and she said she had to go and eat hers so had to get off the phone!

I will go back tomorrow afternoon and see how they are going. Dad is taking mum back to the hospital Sunday afternoon.

Here are Spence and Joti out the back of Shell's house sitting on a hay bale getting excited about the dog!

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