Then I remembered . . .

Yesterday, after I had blipped, I remembered that we had bought a couple of commemorative  RNLI coins earlier this year.  They may well have been more appropriate for yesterday, however one will do for TinyTuesday. It is one of a limited edition of uncirculated brilliant 50p coins.  The other coin is a brilliant uncirculated 50p coin in similar packaging which you may see in your change in the not to distant future (but a circulated one of course).   Something for the great grandkids to cash in perhaps . . . 
This has proved to be the most difficult coin that I have ever tried to photograph.  I think the problem stemmed from the coin being sealed into its presentation packaging (where it will stay!).  I just could not get the light right.  Only one half decent shot out of fourteen.
Biskit duties today, and it’s about time for his afternoon walk.  Beef casserole for tea tonight.
Many thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

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