Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

North Wales!

"Be brave, be proud, be happy" were the words of my Mum written in a card as I set off back to complete my degree after a year out spent largely under hospital care. And those words personify the past 6 months.

I'm leaving tomorrow, as my rent runs out, having fallen in love with North Wales, formed life long friendships and with a big smile on my face knowing I can finally say I am a graduate! :-D Can't ask for more than that! Naturally I took I break from packing to visit the pier...this photo is taken through one of the little huts along the pier :-)

Yes, I'll miss the mountains, and the pier, but I will definitely come back to see Snowdonia :-P Bangor has been the very worst and the very best of times...onwards and upwards I say! I'm happy to be able to close this chapter (bar graduation :-P) and very much excited to begin the next one, Brummie style...with a Yorkshire accent! :-P

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