73 F/ 23 C

I think I must be 
a curiosity to 
the birds in my yard


I was up just after 7. The coffee tasted really good this morning. I could be chatting with the painting group at the Sunshine Cafe but I just don't have the energy for an outing today. 

I took my camera out the back door to sit in my chair. A lovely dove landed in my desert willow tree just as I sat down. It seemed to keep an eye on me while I took several shots. I'd like to know what it think as I'm taking its portrait. 

I am reminded that I need to clean off the orange tree before I depart. I have been waiting to see what the hummingbird is doing. It seems to be still living in the orange tree and I didn't want to disturb it. However, I don't want to leave rotting fruit on the tree or on the ground. 

It's another quiet, low-mileage day for me. I will start putting some things away and tidying up my space. 

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