Back to the quirky !

In to town for B to have a haircut. This was delayed as the barber injured his non dominant hand and he wasn’t able to work for a week.

We scored when the next customer arrived wearing trainers, the style that B was looking for. It appeared that a little shop in the town stocked them and a purchase was made. Living near Lincoln we had a wide range of shops and no problem selecting purchases, but it’s not so easy here. 

I took B to the quirky cafe that visited last week with the ladies. It was very busy and we ended up sitting in upholstered chairs that were about 6 inches off the floor, they were comfortable, but standing up to leave was a challenge!!! My blip was taken from my seat. The picture shows a rather empty scene, it was bang on mid day and all the coffee time customers had left, except from the two in the window seats. 

The picture in extras was my intended blip, I’m siting back in my seat looking at the ceiling. 

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