Bowled over

Titfer tat, if you want to get ahead, get a hat.

The band leader thought it would be a good idea to add a bowler hat to the band’s green teeshirt to enhance our image. I like it. However, it makes Chris look like a Smurf.

Susan thought it suits me sir! And I thought it suited her too, especially in her Lisa Minelli pose. She’s wearing the jumper she completed last month. The only bit of brightness in another dull day.

She’s knitting another jumper for herself before starting on one for me. The back is finished. I’m hoping that mine will be ready for next winter.

We’ve both been busy on respective things. Band rehearsal for me, spring cleaning the studio for Susan. A dreary walk this afternoon for us both.

Good session on Uke’s for both of us tonight. Great fun.

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