
The big day! Off to Toronto on the GO train to the cat show! A family sister, brother and me, cat lovers three!

Armed with our iPhones ( easy to carry all day - fit in a pocket), we were intending to shoot hundreds of cat photos..which we did, but few turned out! ( see grainy extras) 

The venue was not ideal...the most annoying issue was poor audio. The bad acoustics and ambient noise created by the building itself meant that you couldn't hear much of what was being said from the presentation stage unless you were ringside...and for photography? ... With the large crowds gathered round, you were usually a few rows of fellow fans away from the action with many obstacles between your phone and the subject! And also, the owners and judges parading the cats around for all to see, on the stage and even at the small judging rings, moved like fashion models twirling, lifting and swinging said cats making it difficult for us amateurs to get a focused shot! 

All that said, it was great totally new to the three of us. The cats were amazing.... exotic, beautiful, handsome, sleek or fluffy. It was difficult to pick a favourite...I couldn't, but I did pick my favourite cat face...see main above!  What a huggable! I know if Maggie had been allowed to attend, she would have been most impressed with all those celebrity cats, but ever so relieved to be just a house-cat-with -servants whose owner has no intentions of dragging her off to compete for ribbons, and fame and glory. Not the life she aspires to.. 

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