A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Penultimate -

- delivery.
For reasons long and complex our village paper shop is closing this weekend and there will be no more paper and magazine deliveries to our door.

It seems rather sad, especially for all those young people who start their 'working' lives with a paper round. Both my children did and although they earned little money it taught them an early lesson about commitment and how money has to be earned and also to plan and save. Something many children miss nowadays as handouts come so easily. I remember my daughter trying to get someone to stand in for her if she had sport after school and how many were disdainful about what they would get from it. I'm glad my two had the chance; they got to know people in the village too and there were always those Christmas boxes.

As for getting our papers, well we can apparently go to the pub for them every morning if we feel thus inclined. The thought is maybe they will do coffee or at least get a coffee machine (and bacon sandwiches??) and you can read your paper while you are there!

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