
Thanks to Bob for hosting the wide Wednesday challenge, hope this qualifies.

I was in town and walked through the old station alleyway, saw them sitting outside and just took the shot. So much easier on the phone to stay under the radar. Processed in lightroom. Only significant because this morning I went round the corner to see Olivia who does the zoom camera club meeting fortnightly on Friday afternoons, to see her in action on Photoshop.

We discussed the pros and cons, she showed me lots of features, explained why Lightroom isn’t really for her and suggested I try Affinity. I will, but I have a feeling I shall stick to LR.

In town I presented ID at the doctors for access to their online system; went to Sainsbury’s for some fresh veg and other essentials; took photos of some ‘straight and narrow’ subjects for another day, and found a ghost sign above one of the older shops. Not sure about its provenance yet so will do a little more research before I line it up for a blip.

Once home, took delivery of a new pair of light weight waterproof trainers / walking shoes from Mountain Warehouse. They feel quite comfortable so me and Vinnie are off down the beach in the morning hopefully.

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