Morning, all!

A full-on, but very enjoyable, day today. It started with me attending the mid-week communion service in church, after which we had a ‘party’ in the Atrium for several of the people at communion who were celebrating birthdays this week. One of them was 89 yesterday, and is seriously ill, but she had brought cakes and fresh strawberries along and treated everyone to coffee and cake.

While we were all sitting on the sofas in the Atrium which had been specially reserved for the post-communion gathering, we were greeted by these two Police Officers who had come to the Atrium to conduct a ‘surgery’ in the community. They were happy to be photographed for Blip, so may I present to you Constable Green and PCSO Zimnikov!

This afternoon we had a visit from an old friend, and after she’d gone I went to have a good-bye hug with a couple from our church who are moving away after 38 years to another part of the country.

It’s been a good day, because I've seen so many friends and enjoyed their company. I feel very blessed.

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