Doesn't look much.

      Does it?  If ever there was call for "Smellyvision" this must be one of the main contenders.
     For her last few years alice was plagued with both monocular vision and not brilliant sight in that Eye.  Amazingly she read more, faster, in a week than I'd read in a Month.
     However, even predating her sight problems, she loved scents - BUT - unfortunately also couldn't stand some of them; e.g. she loved Hyacinths but couldn't abide them in the house with her on account of the -ve effects the same, loved scent had on her.
      It was her penchant for scents that got us the Buddleja oppositifolia and the Sarcococca, to mention but two.
     Why mention it?  Because this is a close up of a group of Sarcococca flowers.  Like I said, doesn't look much, but you can smell it yards away, I could almost swear the scent'd swim upwind.

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