Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Hump day

School run first thing.
Two giggly boys arrived this morning, mummy apologised saying they had been awake since 4:30am!  I apologised to their teachers when I dropped them at their classroom.

Back home and some admin work.  Two and a half hours later left to get the boys from school.  They were still full of energy (!) so we went to the park.  Only there for around 20 mins when one of the boys needed a comfort break - so back home (no toilets nearby and too many people around to make use of a bush).  Toys out (diplo), music on (Caleb had been singing “can’t get by without you”) and then tea.  Mummy arrived, quick catch up and then they went home.

Spent the evening watching Disney catching up on Percy Jackson.

(Our niece and her partner have named their son - Theon.)


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