Dawn swim for Dawn

When Dawn was still trying to do and enjoy, she liked the idea that someone put forward of a dawn swim with Dawn. That never came to fruition as Dawn deteriorated so quickly.
Today as many of us as could gathered (including her mom and dad - although they just watched and supported us) at ER to swim in her memory.
It was an absolutely beautiful morning as you can see. The water calm and the air still.
After our swim we gathered at Tine’s for breakfast. We all took something along. I made eibleskavers. (Found the secret … make them the day before and just reheat them. So much better than trying to keep up with demand and making them fresh as people eat!).
It was a lovely gathering and so nice just to be together. We needed that ‘breakfast’ time together after the swim.

The day remained beautiful and we took the dogs for a walk from Burnsall to Hebdon tea room and back.

To finish the day, I took mom out to Wildwood for dinner. :)

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