Windy Sunrise

I was down at the lake just as the sun was rising.  The colour only lasted for a few minutes, then it was gone.  I then went to the supermarket to do a shop, as town will be so busy this weekend, there won't be a car park for miles!  On the way home I stopped at the show (it isn't open until tomorrow), but people are setting their stalls up.  Extra.  I bought a swinger to match the lawnmower I bought last year.  (2nd extra).  I will take a photo when it is swinging in my Sycamore Tree.

I now have to take Teen 'h' to the Medical Centre to get an injection for the schools trip to Nepal early April.  The children who are going are getting very excited, (but not about the injections though!!!)

It is due to rain, am pleased that my washing is dry.

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