Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Psycho Shoes

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

So I am married to a Funeral Director's Assistant. The news came through at about 11am. Caro met with her new boss for a coffee down by the beach and they agreed her start date.

I really hope that it doesn't become a job. You know? Not a JOB. Where you go in and feel like there are things you'd rather be doing. 

I want this to be Caro's social and rewarding time. Where she enjoys it, even though it wears her out and she comes home full of stories. 

Kind of like mine, really. I mean. Work on the project is busy and yes annoying. But I love hanging out. Luke was heaps of fun today. He gave me a muffin and a big hug and we went for coffee with Lee-Ann. 

And then -


We went for lunch together. And because this is her last lunch before Ramadan, it was kind of a celebration. I even bought her a Ramadan chocolate bar and we put a sticky on it saying FAZZY'S SPECIAL RAMADAN CHOCOLATE DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS FAZLYN.

Mind you, I felt I didn't have her full attention during lunch because 

"What IS that man doing??"

There was a man doing a really terrible job of parking his car on the street by the cafe. I tried to keep talking to her about Caro's job but

"Just stop! Just stop trying to park!"

To be fair to her, he WAS making an arse of it. The more he tried to park straight, the more askew his car went and

"Oh my god he's got a knife!"

He got a knife out of the back seat. I'm sure it was for innocent reasons. 

"He's a psycho! Symon! Quick! Take photos!"

I assured Fazzy I would NOT be taking pictures but

"Look at his shoes! Symon! Look! He's wearing the SHOES OF A PSYCHOPATH!"

To be fair, it was sort of weird. He was wearing slides with white socks. I mean. Who does that?

Nevertheless, no-one was murdered and Fazzy continued to tell me about Ramadan. She's bought a burka for Hani and now Hani wants to wear it all the time.

"So that means I have to wear MINE!" wailed Fazzy. She's pretty stylish, is our Fazzy. I daresay if you could get designer burkas she'd be okay with it.

I also invited myself over for Ramadan. 

"You're just nosey," protested Fazlyn.

I told her that I was not. And that this was more about feeling close to her and her family and wanting to kind of sort of be a part of it. I mean. They are the closest thing to family I have out here.

She seemed to like that. So I'll stop by one night after work and we'll have the evening meal together and I'll feel all nice.

I'm not sure if I'll fast beforehand though. Maybe I could skip the fasting part and go straight to the meal part. 

I'm not very religious. Also coffee.

But I do love Fazzy. 


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