Mug Shot

But I swear I have been framed... 

Me after a 14 hour day at work. I did something today that I never have done before. It seems in our division there has been way to many backing accidents lately - lazy drivers who think they made it when they really haven't - they refuse to GET OUT AND LOOK. So over the last week everybody had to go through a backing test. Both normal drivers side backing and blindside backing. The course was set up where we had to be 95% right or better. In this case that meant we had just 4 inches to spare - total. Two inches on each side or the trailer. Oh we go to docks that are even tighter than this too.. Anyhow, on the drivers side was easy but I was knocked down a few points for not walking around the whole truck/trailer before backing up to make sure what my surroundings were. As for the blindside - I did everything right and it only took me 8 minutes to back in. A little background - for 29 1/2 years I drove a sleeper truck and in that time I drove a day cab only twice. Several times a month there was some type of blindside backing but not much. I have been in day cab for 45 days now and it is amazing how much I still need to learn. The only other thing that was mentioned was over steering - the head of safety said he could tell I was in a sleeper for years because a day cab turns so tightly, it doesn't take much to steer. My trainer said the same thing but I'm learning. Only 3/4 of the drivers passed - I was one of them - the rest of the drivers will have to go out with a trainer - for how ever long it takes to learn...

Grateful tomorrow is my Friday..

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