
By loisbiz

Blue is the Best

This is Tuesday so I was able to volunteer in Ellie's class; it was a busy afternoon with non-stop teacher-led learning, spelling, and social studies. It seemed very fast-paced for 5 or 6-year-olds but most of the children were following along nicely in their workbook. As usual, a few were struggling and a couple left their desk and refused to take part in the assignments. The teacher simply reminded them "You are choosing to not take part in learning right now, but you have to sit over there quietly while the other children are choosing to take advantage of learning something important."   I suppose that is the best way to handle these kiddos. 

During Ellie's dance class, I took a walk around the business complex and nearby park; the sky was so pretty as I started my walk, and that is when I took this photo. A 50-minute dance class is the perfect time for a little exercise.

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