Greenhouse blitz

George & Jean's greenhouse at BT. The main job of the afternoon was to give the greenhouse interior a good clean. George has very eclectic tastes as you will see from the Blip.. Much of it within, but old milk churns, cobblers lasts, & more dotted around the garden. I emptied, scrubbed, washed, dried and replaced all, but not necessarily in exactly the same position as before, as much as possible though as George's eyesight is very poor but he still likes to repair the odd item. He's also a collector of oddments of garden wire, string, & anything else he might come across. Jean came out all wrapped up for a quick chat when I arrived, George came out and sat in the greenhouse sunlounger chair for a chat until he got cold, then Jean returned with a cuppa, so we sat in a very damp, slightly chilly greenhouse for another chat. It took me 4 hours, including interruptions making the immediate area safe for them to walk through. Their daughter is visiting from France this weekend so both quite excited to get a visit.
Early I walked Indie, cut Hazel bean sticks along the old railway track, & carried them back into the village. Cooked Mum's lunch while doing some more jigsaw puzzle.

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