A nice clean flag

The decorator is here painting my front bedroom - used to be my sons bedroom - about to be a spare room, place with a desk for me to do admin, reading and so on. Gradually almost everything of L’s has gone either to charity shops or down to where he lives now.  But I’m keeping this, and it’s going back up on the wall. It was terribly dusty when I took it down, here it is washed, drying in the garden. 
Although I’m very proud and pleased with my football team  - despite their lack of success, and their mid- table mediocrity- I’m very unhappy with Bristol Sport, the umbrella group, which also owns Bristol Rugby. They have hosted a weapons sales fair at Ashton Gate yesterday and today.  Including Elbit Systems who provide the drones and artillery to the Israeli army. There was a demonstration yesterday morning, which I would have attended if I hadn’t been working at Fareshare. 
If they sold items like food, or electrical goods, I could stop buying from them, as I’m so ashamed of what they have done.  But it’s harder when it’s a football team - I’m not just going to start supporting Bristol Rovers instead:) I seem to remember from economics lectures this is called ‘inelasticity of demand’. 

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