
Mrsfb has left me home alone again as she has gone for a Take Three Girls lunch. I decided to have another look at the camera club Zoom presentation from Monday, which we had recorded. I learned a lot more from it on a second run through. There was an awful bit though towards the end when my screen appeared in the thumbnails along side the speaker's screen. I looked at times as though I was nodding off! Embarrassing. My vote of thanks bit was also recorded and wasn't actually as rambling as I thought it was at the time.

Anyway, there was a lot about textures, and the speaker mentioned he took photos of his Indian stone patio to use as background layers for his still life images. So that's what I've done here today. Three images layered together and the given a bit lot of Topaz neon. Well it is Abstract Thursday. Looks better/sharper viewed large.

In other news the window cleaner came today, the first time for over three months! I mentioned to him that I was thinking of changing as we needed someone to be able to do the upstairs windows over the veranda and the veranda roof itself. He is coming back tomorrow with some new devices to have a go.

In other other news mrsfb has just returned, in an electric Jaguar. She brought me a present - an Ultimately Orange Chocolate Pizza.

One year ago:

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