Capplerigg Lane

I blipped this tree on 16 Dec but it's looking so very much more magnificent today  with sun on it,  that I'm posting it again.  I did an extra long "round the block" walk because it was sooo sunny. Mr P did not accompany me, he preferred to play golf. 

Update on  the broadband. Mr Broadband expert has installed some different gadgets in  the house so Mr P now has the same speeds as my office.  He's delighted.  The other problem in the house was that the signal kept crashing- that seems to have stopped. Mr BE  explained we had set up conflicting signals with our attempts to install extenders.  He was still here when I went out last night at 7:30pm. There are wires sticking out of sockets still,  so we're expecting him back another day to finish off and explain what he's done.   

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