...including our youngest visitor, Baby T, aged 5 weeks, and brought in by his Mum.  As I watched her feeding T., I was reminded of when my older son was tiny and how isolated I felt when Mr. HCB was going back to work after being off for a week.  I wondered how I was going to cope with everything that had to be done in a home, let alone looking after a tiny baby.  As I told T’s Mum, I just left the housework and cooking and concentrated on keeping my baby happy and despite me and my mild panics on occasions, he grew up to become a lovely young man - well to me, 52¾ is young!

After I had chatted with the baby’s Mum and a lady who had come in with her, I then sat with another lady and helped her to fill in a form that she was having some difficulty with.  My years of working in a Solicitor’s office have not gone to waste and she was pleased that I was there to help her. 

Once again, there was no knitting done, but plenty of nattering and writing.  I spoke to several people whilst they were collecting their food and anything else required and we certainly had lots of other things at the Community Fridge today including hair dye, TCP, kitchen hooks and plasters.  

I rescued some white roses and mauve freesias so they are now sitting on my kitchen windowsill, where I can enjoy their last few days before they are consigned to the compost heap. 

We also had quite a lot of organic eggs and plenty of pastries and ring donuts - such as shame I am watching my weight.  However, I did bring home a pack of Hot Cross Buns for Mr. HCB, who deserved them as he had been out in the garden this morning and had replanted five trees, so fair to say I was not the only one who was “cream crackered.”

It’s great to see the men who come into the Community Fridge sitting together all round a table, chatting and laughing together.  Several of the men, and many of them stay until we close at 2 o’clock, then wipe down the tables, put them and the chairs away and even sweep the floor - they are a great bunch, but I’ve noticed would rather it was just a “table of men” rather than with any women!

The top left shot shows all the tins waiting to be put into the Bags of Hope, along with many other things, which will be delivered by members of our Church, all over the town.  

Mr. HCB and I are so pleased to be part of a Church that doesn’t just sit in a “holy huddle” but gets out into the community and does a lot for people who aren’t even members of our Church - which is our faith in action.  

William Temple, former Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury put it like this:

“The Church is the only society on earth 
     that exists for the benefit of non-members.”

P.S.  MANY thanks to all of you who left kind comments, stars and hearts for my “Then and Now” shots yesterday on the occasion of our 56th Wedding Anniversary - we were both very humbled and grateful. 

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