
We both slept well last night and woke in good time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast before heading for the 10 o' clock bus home.

These telephone are a feature outside the hotel restaurant and the whimsiness of them always makes me smile. The hotel is being renovated and I thought I would blip them now as they might not be there the next time. 

I had arranged to go round and see fellow genealogy enthusiast KL  this afternoon. Her husband LL was there too and we spent over two hours chatting (cabadaich) - both grew up here and it was fascinating hearing their stories of times gone by. 

More chatting this evening but this time in Gaelic with my weekly chat with a fellow student. This will be my last week with J as we then swap partners. However she is doing the same course as me in Skye next month so we will get to meet in person. 

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