Strait Lane, Banff.

The Current Mrs Creel bought a new frying pan today in Banff.   It's always good to grab the reader with an eye-catching opening line.  Banff was once a very proud County Town.  It is now looking slightly worn around the edges.  Nobody knows what it will take to revive its fortunes.

Within my coterie of imbibers there are bars and there are classic bars.  One sadly now closed, and constantly underrated, was the West End Hotel in Kirkwall.  Another, very highly praised, which very much lives up to all adulation, is the Grill in Aberdeen.  It is even worth exploring the nether regions of the Union Street  granite facades to lean against the bar. It will be evident to many Blip cognoscenti that the Footdee bar should also be on any world tour.  And finally, a territory that many bipeds dream of, is the Railway Inn, Banff.  It is but a mere coincidence that the Shed End 'Vale supporters congregate there before rolling down to Princess Royal Park.  I'm so glad I've got that off my chest. 

On the next leg of Memory Lane we met the Logies at Aden Country Park.  On arrival l asked the staff if anyone from Cruden Bay had been admitted.  They indicated that the usual suspect was skulking in the undergrowth (wearing an 'l Love Cailleach' t shirt).  Margaret led us on an absolutely bum freezing walk.  We then retreated to the Saplin Brae for a very convivial meal.

Also in Banff, the Current Mrs Creel nearly ended herself laughing at my tourie and kep combo. She just couldn't stop laughing and l had to force her head between her knees.  She came round after breathing into a paper bag (obviously brown).

CMC is now announcing, to all that will listen, that if she visits Buchan again she will be travelling solo and putting me in kennels.

Iain@creel is still being dictated by AI.  He hopes to return a week today.

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