Whatever you want

I don't like early mornings. During my working years it was a pain to get out of bed but routine made it bearable. This morning I had to get up at six thirty in order to get to the theatre in Kalmar in time for work. I've got used to getting up when I wake up these days and that's rarely that early.
The reason was Kalmar "Culture-school" and their annual performance for the seven-nine year old school kids to make them interested in choosing an instrument, dance, theatre or acrobatics as an activity from 8-9 year olds until they are 20. For many years the teaching was free but now the cost is about 60 euros/year. The kids in the audience was very excited about the performance and I'm sure I met some of the cultural profiles of the future today. Here's a group picture of all the teachers, heroes of our time in front of the title of the performance, which is a bit of a word game that works in Swedish, in translation it means Hotel whatever you want, always room for one more.

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